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About Us.

​​What started as a platform designed to help others feel less alone has evolved into a space that, at its core, is aimed at normalising mental health. A space that encourages conversation & connection and a space that offers alternative ways of saying and doing things to better support loved ones.

Mental health has never been spoken of as loudly as it is right now, but the stigma of asking for help, the cost of help, the wait for help and the hierarchy of help all play a part in who is afforded the support they need (and when).

So while we’re all waiting for a broken system to get better, we wanted to be part of the change. Founded by Kelly Müller, our belief is that helping with mental health in a holistic and healthy way starts within our homes and our communities.


Mental health is not linear, it is layered, complex and incredibly unique. We believe that the more we talk about it and the more we share our personal experiences, the better we will be able to care for ourselves and others.

Nothing changes if nothing changes and it starts with you and me.

It starts with all of us.
